среда, 29 октября 2014 г.


How to make a cheap smoke bomb!
you need
-Ping Pong Balls
-Aluminium or normal paper
-A lighter

 At first get the balls

Cut them in little pieces like on the image below
Pu them in aluminium or normal paper
(Normal paper will burn better, but aluminium could produce more smoke)
Wrap the aluminum around the little pieces and put a pen on top for the oxygen to pass, as you know fire can not happen without oxygen.

 And you are done!! Light the final product, but don't breath in the gasses, because they are bad for you. I know that it is not a magic trick, but still its a fun thing to do with your friends on Halloween.

среда, 8 октября 2014 г.

What you need to know to start...

     At first before doing any card tricks, you should of course get the right choice. There are lots of brands of cards out there, but most famous magicians of the world prefer the "Bicycle" cards, due to their durability, and simplicity.
"Bicycle" set
   There are some other brands that are pretty famous like "Tally Ho", "Aviator", and "Maverick", but its only your choice which ones to get.



        This blog was created in order to make people with any amount of card knowledge, learn crazy card and magic tricks. Learning tricks can make your life more interesting, and it would only take you about 5 minutes to learn one… 
When I went to a summer camp, I didn't know anyone there, and I saw people playing cards. I went to them and I asked them if I could show them some magic with the cards, and they accepted my request. I showed them some card tricks and they all laughed asking me “How did you do that?” From that experience I made new friends, and I understood that cards is not only a tool to play poker or solitaire, cards is also a tool to surprise people! :)

Magic Card Tricks

Magic Card Tricks